
Bleach Comm: Rukia's Fight and Flight

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Benji-Blacksky's avatar

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Karakura town had been having a strange outbreak of attacks from a strange new breed of Hollows lately.

Rukia had been hard at work along with Ichigo, Chad, Uryu, Yoruichi and many of their allies keeping these strange Hollows from causing mayhem.

According to all the info they had gathered this new breed of Hollow was targeting humans, specifically trying to bond themselves to them.

This resulted in temporary beings that were somewhat like Arrancars or Visoreds depending on how much the Hollow had taken over. Sometimes by sheer will humans freed themselves, but at other times they become enemies to fight.

Right now Rukia was facing one. Holding her Zanpakuto, Sode no Shirayuki, tightly she began to circle the creature who had bonded to a citizen who took on a lizardlike appearance.

‘If I don’t hurry this thing will reach the same power as a Vasto Lorde ….Apparently they rapidly evolve when bonded to humans. If I don’t end this fast I’ll regret it…’ She thought.

With it’s razor sharp claws and masklike face, it began to growl and approach Rukia. It’s speed was fast, as fast as her own flash step. Soon it would grow faster than even that.

Realizing that she had an opening, Rukia ducked down before raising her sword, hitting the Hollow where it’s hole was.

As it turned out that hole was the weakness of their kind, as well as an automatic kill if one acted fast enough.

To her relief she had hit home, annihilating the Hollow and freeing the human held within. With the Hollow gone, Rukia sighed.

“Another one down. I wonder if this is Aizen’s doing…Or maybe someone else?” she mused to herself aloud as she left the confused man in the street. “Anyway I better go meet with Ichigo and the others.”

As Rukia began to go away she didn’t realize a large, falcon-like Hollow was watching her, masking it’s presence…

As she went to Ichigo’s home to rest Rukia noticed that the substitute Soul Reaper seemed a bit drained from a day of Hollow killing.

“Ichigo, are you alright? You look wiped?”

“Eh, its nothing I’m not used to. Just a few dozen Hollow.” Ichigo told Rukia as he sat down and drank some juice. “How about you? Did you run into any trouble on your end?”

“A bit, but it was wasy. Just some lizard hollow. It was either a weak Aducha or a strong Gillian. I couldn’t quite tell.”

“Either way glad to see you made it. So what’s the plan?”

“Nothing but rest for now. Things have calmed down and with the Arrancars gone these Hollow attacks are the only thing we have to worry about. Just keep alert and everything should be alright.”

“Alright then.” Ichigo said, “Just be careful, okay? I don’t want to have to go around and avenge you against some random Hollow if you run yourself ragged fighting them.”

“As if I’d ever let one beat me. You should take your own advice.” Rukia said, blushing and trying to keep up her front. She was glad Ichigo cared, but she was a bit insulted he thought she needed advice.

“Whatever short stuff.” Ichigo replied in annoyance. While the two of them were fighting as usual it was plain that they cared about one another’s well being. Eventually Rukia left. Still being followed by the Falcon Hollow she had no idea how much trouble she was going to be put through.

Hours later Rukia was off to bed in her own home, trying to sleep and forget the woes of the day when she felt something disturbing. She couldn’t sense any spiritual pressure, and yet it felt as if something was stalking her.

Curious about what was going on exactly she went to look outside. After a bit she realized that there was something there. Summoning her sword, she waited a few moments before the creature swooped down at sonic speed, so fast she had no way of ever following it. She was cut by it thrice in a row before she caught on.

‘Its an Aducha, a really strong one!’ She thought, summoning her sword. ‘I better end this one fast too, I’m outmatched!’

Working as hard as she could, she swung her white Zanpakuto about in a wide circle, planning to use her signature move to end the match.

As she did the Falcon came in and bonded itself to her, planning to take over. Its whole being even seeped into the wounds and her very blood. Luckily for her, the move took effect and began to eradicate it.

As it did the Aducha slowly faded, but part of it seeped into Rukia, altering her very being. It would be a while before she noticed though.

A few days passed, and as usual Rukia was going about her business, slaying hollows and meeting with Ichigo and the gang. It was during one particular day that she began to transform.

It was a calm, quiet day after school and Rukia was with Orihime who had insisted on the duo spending some time together as friends since there were rarely occasions where everyone could simply relax. With some gentle coaxing and some puppy-dog eyes from Orihime, Rukia finally accepted and went with her on the girls day out.

At the time they were clothes shopping in a store, Rukia looking over the human fashions while Orihime stacked high a pile of clothes she wanted to try on, staggering the Soul Reaper.

“So you actually plan on wearing all of this?”

“Well some. Half is for you to try on.” Orihime said, surprising Rukia.

“Wait, you really bought clothes for me?”

“I’m about to. I just want to make sure it fits is all.”

Smiling, Rukia nodded and went to go and change her clothes. Inside she began to undress when she felt a funny sensation at the top of her skull. At first she brushed it off as idle itchiness, but then out of nowhere she noticed her hair was turning brown and its texture was changing. While they were still light they were thicker somehow and had a different feel to them. It was almost like feathers.

She reached up to touch them, only to notice her hands were changing too. Her fingers began to grow thicker, but were covered in similar feathers, becoming more whispy and usable for flight, while her bones began to turn hollow and empty, decreasing her weight. Likewise Rukia felt her clothing alter as her body grew taller. They began to rip and tear as her arms became fully functioning wings and her thighs thickened before becoming birdlike. From below the thigh her flesh hardened into talons and her toes became large, sharp claws.

‘Huh? What the heck is this?!’ Rukia thought as her body changed. A few seconds passed before she realized the bonding Hollow had likely infected her somehow in its death. As the revelation occured she suddenly sprouted a tail and feathers to go with it.

Realizing her fake body might be the limit of the transformation she ejected herself from it, only to watch the Gigai she had go back to normal.

“Phew, that was a close one.” She said, when suddenly her spiritual body changed and she gained a beak. Her eyes even became more like a bird of prey’s, increasing her sight. As Rukai looked at her mutated form she wondered what exactly had caused this, but that was when she sensed something. It was a massive spiritual pressure and Ichigo was fighting it. Immediately she put aside her shock at her transformation and went there.

At the location Ichigo was having a heated duel with a Vasto Lorde, both were injured and tired from a long battle. Luckily, Ichigo had forced it away from the town, but was tired. With his Visored mask breaking and his Bankai fading. It took all his strength to make sure that he wasn’t defeated by it.

Fortunately for Rukia her flight mode blessed her with unrivaled speed. Her augmented Shunpo enabled her to move literally instantaneously while she flew. She could barely blink before she had landed at Ichigo’s side, who was shocked.

“What the? Who’re you?”

“Who do you think it is?” Rukia asked, annoyed. She was keeping her eyes peeled for the Vasto Lorde and could see it in range. It was tired as well, but still dangerous.

“Wait a minute….Rukia?! What happened to you?”

“It’s a long story, but I need to help you out. Stay back and let me handle this.” She said.

“Alright…I guess I should count this as a good thing. I think you as some kind of pigeon beats you being a rabbit.”

“Just pipe down and rest. Orihime will be here soon enough. I just hope she isn’t mad at me for dumping her with my Gigai without mentioning it.” Before Ichigo could ask anything more, Rukia flew off. She tried to summon her Sode no Shirayuki, but was surprised when her new talons and wings turned into metal and what remained of her coat and shirt from her outfit became white, while her belt turned black. “I guess it adapted to my form…”

Seeing the usefulness of her new body, Rukia flew around the Vasto Lorde in several circles. She was able to make dozens before activating her skill. The Powerful Hollow had only just noticed, when she activated her skill.

“Freeze 1000 times…” She said simply before she watched the Vasto Lorde became encased in ice. A moment later she flew into it, shattering each and every piece and the very Hollow inside with it.

Sighing, Rukia felt relief. If that hadn’t worked, she might’ve been in danger.

As she flew over to Ichigo, she noticed that Chad, Uryu, and Orihime were there, the trio all curious as to what happened to her.

It would take some time, but she knew they’d get used to it, and so would she.

Flying in slowly, Rukia decided maybe her new body wasn’t so bad.
For :iconsrgntdrew:
© 2013 - 2024 Benji-Blacksky
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SrgntDrew's avatar
I love it! will have to come back to this story verse in the future!  hmm but what to do... Maybe something with Orihime